Budget 2021
Almost 12 months on from the UK's first lockdown following the global coronavirus pandemic, we are still seeing the consequences reaching far and wide. It is against this backdrop of 'economic shock' that Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented the 2021 Budget.
In his speech, he reaffirmed his commitment to doing 'whatever it takes' to support jobs, businesses and families through these unprecedented times.
With the roadmap planned and restrictions set to ease, the Chancellor outlined his plans in three key areas: continuing the level of support needed, looking ahead to the challenges that Public Finances face and building a resilient and successful future economy.
As always, we will keep you up-to-date with further details as they are announced. For more detailed information, you can download our Budget Summary by clicking here. This goes beyond the headlines to consider the less-publicised changes that are most likely to have an impact on your business and your personal finances.
If you would like to discuss any of this in more detail, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Full contact details can be found here.